Sunday, September 14, 2008

Life cycle

What is a life cycle? Everything that goes up will come down one day? Sine wave? Karma effect?

Many things in life can happen just because you are at the right place and right timing. Or is it the road is already there? you are strolling step by step. The ending is also a begining for one, can be anything that exist in this world. One form changing to another form like water to vapour, a seed grow to be a plant.

If you observe everythings around you, you notice it is all alive, each and everyone, big or small. At the same time, there are some vanishing like vapour into the air. It is a constantly changing enviroment. This cycle is going on and on like our heart that is pumping all the time.

So the yogis believe in ONE. There is ONE world, one universe. Everything is one and one is everything. This pheonomenon can be seen only when you goes into the very very fine particle detail. Each part of organic and non organic item. So the cycle is just going from one form to another form. That is why nothing is permanent, it is changing all the time. In real world we have to change when things getting tough. It is good to make some changes if you are doing the same routine everyday.

This time instead of 3 days, it is even longer than I thought just to write something. Anyway this is good practise for me to change and get better!

1 comment:

Cherry said...

ohh cool post xP Well i tried the concentration thing where u look at one point for one're right..its kinda hard.. But anyways..your improving =)